ぐんかくず 群鶴図
不詳(江戸時代 17世紀)
雲谷等與【うんこく とうよ】
生没年 1612~1668【慶長17年~寛文8年)
寸法 | [左]153.7×364.2/[右]154.0×364.6 cm |
形状 | 六曲屏風 |
Color and gold leaf on paper
This work is one of the masterpieces of the third leader of the Unkoku School, Toyo. During the time of his grandfather, Togan, the founder of the Unkoku School, cranes, such as the depiction of a group of cranes against a gilded background, became representative of the Unkoku School’s kacho-zu (a genre of paintings depicting flowers and birds as subjects). His father, Toeki, succeeded in enhancing the decorative quality of the School’s pictures by introducing Yamato-e painting themes. These were traditional paintings of the late Heian (794 -1185) and Kamakura (1185 -1333) periods dealing with Japanese themes. Toyo enhanced this trend, as developed by his father, even more. In this work, he has rendered the shapes and patterns of the cranes, reeds and the water’s surface in a stylized manner, to develop a more design-oriented picture. This picture achieves even more brilliance and regularity by the depiction of different kinds of cranes, such as red-crowned and white-necked cranes, various attractive flowers, and the forms of bamboo grass leaves repeated harmoniously.
Pictures featuring a background painted entirely in gold and a design-centric composition are typical of works of the Rinpa School, one of the major traditional schools of painting created in 17th century Japan. The Rinpa School was founded by Tawaraya Sotatsu, who was a contemporary of Toyo and lived in Kyoto. Toyo may have had the opportunity to see Sotatsu’s works, which were popular among people of the time. Toyo was a Sesshu-style painter who was skilled at India ink painting, but this work suggests his acute sensitivity to the tastes of his time.
Unkoku Toyo (1612 – 1668)
Toyo was the first son of Unkoku Toeki. He became the third head of the Unkoku School and called himself Sesshu V. Although based in Hagi (the present-day Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture), he worked in various other parts of the country, including Kyoto. There he produced fusuma-e (paintings on sliding doors) for the Hekigyoku-an Temple, a minor temple in the Daitoku-ji Temple precincts. He also participated in a project for producing paintings on the walls and fusuma (sliding doors) of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. He became hokkyo (the third highest rank in the hierarchy of Buddhist monks) in 1639 and was then promoted to hogen (the second highest rank) in 1667. Although he followed Toeki’s style in general, he also developed a new style that incorporated fashions of the time, such as the Rinpa style.
Size | 153.7×364.2/154.0×364.6 cm |
雲穀 等與
生卒年 1612~1668(慶長17年~寛文8年)
尺寸 | 153.7×364.2/154.0×364.6 cm |
운코쿠파 제3대 당주, 도요의 화조도 대표작입니다. 금박을 입힌 배경 위에 학 무리를 그리는 「군학도」는, 그의 조부인 초대 당주 도간 시대 당시, 운코쿠파 화조도의 전형적인 그림 주제였습니다. 아버지 도에키는 예로부터 내려오던 일본 고유 전통 양식인 ‘야마토에’에 사용됐던 모티브를 가지고, 그림 전체의 장식성을 높이는 것에 성공했습니다. 도요는 그 경향을 더욱 강화시켜, 본 작품에서는 학, 갈대, 수면 등의 형태나 무늬 등을 패턴화하여, 보다 디자인적인 내용으로 발전 시켜갔습니다. 두루미와 재두루미 등 종류가 다른 학이나 가련한 풀꽃, 반복되는 조릿대 등이 그림을 한층 더 화려하게 만들어주면서 그림에 규칙성도 더해주고 있습니다.
금색만을 사용한 배경과 디자인 적인 구성으로는 “린파”의 작풍이 대표적입니다. 도요와 동시대의 화가 중에는 린파의 시조인 다와라야 소타츠가 있습니다. 소타츠는 교토에서 활동한 화가인데, 도요는 교토를 방문했을 때 당시의 유행이 보이는 소타츠의 작품을 본적이 있을 것입니다. 수묵화에 능한 셋슈류의 화가이면서 당시의 트랜드에도 민감했던 도요의 감성이 엿보이는 작품입니다.
운코쿠 도요
생몰년 1612년 ~1668년 (게이초17년~간분8년)
운코쿠 도에키의 장남으로 태어나 운코쿠파 제3대 당주로서 아버지의 뒤를 이었고, 「셋슈5대」를 위명했습니다. 하기를 거점으로 교토 다이토쿠지 절 벽옥암(*일본어 음독: 헤키교쿠안)의 장벽화(후스마에)를 제작하였고, 1655년(메이레키 원년)에는 교토의 고쇼(궁궐) 장벽화제작에 참여하였습니다. 1639년(간에이16년)에는 ‘법교(法橋)’에, 1667년(간분7년)에는 ‘법안(法眼)’에 서임합니다. 도에키 양식을 계승하면서 린파의 작풍 등 시대의 유행에도 따르는 화풍을 선보였습니다.
치수 | 153.7×364.2/154.0×364.6 cm |