山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館 HAGI URAGAMI MUSEUM

みたてはつゆめ 見立初夢

鳥居清長 とりい きよなが



図中に記された文面は、右から「みちのくの すみかの山のこかね鳥 かくとしら尾の名にのこる雪」「碧天雪白白雲間 怱卒児童又仰レ顔(へきてんゆきしろしはくうんのあいだ そうそつとしてぢどうまたかんばせをあぐ)」「茶いれかも 見てまわされる初茄子」。

鳥居清長【とりい きよなが】
生没年 宝暦2年~文化12年(1752~1815)

寸法 右)39.8×26.4cm中)39.8×26.5cm左)39.5×26.3cm
形状 版画
版元 未詳

山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館 HAGI URAGAMI MUSEUM

Parodies of the Lucky New Year’s Dreams: Fuji, Hawk, and Eggplant

Torii Kiyonaga


This is a bijin-ga (a picture of beautiful women). Beautiful young women are depicted here, grouped together with Mt. Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant, three lucky symbols to have during one’s first dream of the New Year.
In this print, Mt Fuji is rising in the distance; a young lord who came hawking has a hawk on his arm at the print’s right side; and on the left, a waitress is holding a plant pot containing a growing eggplant.
The picture includes three poems that explain the three scenes in elegant terms. The poem written on the right side of the print mentions a hawk and the snow remaining on the mountain; that in the center celebrates the beauty of Mt. Fuji and the innocence of a little girl; and the poem on the left describes the scene where the first harvested eggplants of the year are being admired by some women.

Torii Kiyonaga (1752 – 1815)
Torii Kiyonaga gained popularity, starting at about the 4th year of the Meiwa era (1767).
The bijin-ga prints he made, depicting beautiful and well-proportioned women as their theme, enjoyed great popularity among the people. Beginning around 1787, when he was adopted into the Torii family and served as the 4th head of the family, he began to focus more on the family business, which was the production of kanban-e. These were pictures for billboards displayed in front of kabuki theaters to announce performances.

Size 39.8×26.4cm39.8×26.5cm39.5×26.3cm

山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館 HAGI URAGAMI MUSEUM





鳥居清長(Torii Kiyonaga)
生卒年 寶曆2年~文化12年(1752~1815)

尺寸 39.8×26.4cm39.8×26.5cm39.5×26.3cm

山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館 HAGI URAGAMI MUSEUM

<첫 꿈 이야기>

도리이 키요나가


새해 첫날에 꾸면 운수가 좋다고 하는 꿈 「첫째 후지산, 두번째 매, 세번째 가지」를 주제로 한 미인화입니다. 저 멀리 후지산이 우뚝 솟아 있습니다. 그림 오른쪽에는 매 사냥을 온 젊은이가 팔 위에 매를 태우고 있으며, 왼쪽에는 요릿집 종업원이 가지 화분을 내보이고 있습니다.
그림 속에는 다음과 같은 글이 쓰여져 있습니다. 「미치노쿠의 깊은 산 속, 한 마리의 황금새 꼬리 끝에 남아 있는 눈송이」 「푸른 하늘 새하얀 눈, 흰 구름 사이 돌연 우뚝 들어올린 얼굴 하나」「찻집 안에서 선보이는 첫 가지」

도리이 키요나가
메이와4년(1767)경부터 활약했고, 키가 큰 팔등신의 미인상을 그려 인기를 끌었습니다. 덴메이7년(1787)경에 도리이가의 제4대 당주를 계승하면서부터 가업인 연극 간판화에 전념했습니다.

치수 39.8×26.4cm39.8×26.5cm39.5×26.3cm