香月泰男【かづき やすお】
生没年 1911~1974(明治44年~昭和49年)
寸法 | 162.0×96.8cm |
形状 | 額装 |
Oil on canvas
〈Painter’s words〉
Prior to 35℃ Below Zero, our work was outdoors. Sometimes we would unload supplies from a freight train stopped on a siding. It was hard work because we were generally carrying heavy iron machines. Working without gloves in that kind of cold, your skin would stick to the freezing metal and would rip off when you tried to take your hand away. Even open fires refused to burn convincingly. The punishingly heavy metal V41loads bore down on our weary frames.
There were few injuries despite the unrelenting regime of heavy labor. I think that was because conditions at this camp were much better than at the previous one, and we were seized with a renewed optimism that we might one day get to return home.
Siberian Series (Shinchosha, 1971)
Kazuki Yasuo 1911 – 1974
Born in Misumi-mura (now Misumi, Nagato City) in Otsu-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Studied oil painting at Tokyo School of Fine Arts, then taught fine art while producing works that were primarily exhibited at Kokugakai (National Painting Association). Kazuki was sent to fight in the Pacific War (WWII), then interned in Siberia after the war. This experience resulted in the Siberia Series, which won the inaugural Japan Art Grand Prize in 1967. This series is considered an important body of work that still resonates widely today.
Size | 162.0×96.8cm |
到零下35度(也稱為- 35℃)為止都有室外作業。還要從停在專線上的貨車上卸貨。因為都是鐵製品,所以卸貨工作非常辛苦。這麽冷的天氣裏,不戴手套直接觸碰金屬,皮膚就會被粘在上面,如果硬要掙脫,皮膚就會脫落。冷得連篝火都燒不起來。沉重的鐵塊毫不客氣地壓在皮包骨頭的士兵身上。
《西伯利亞畫集》(新潮社 1971年)
生卒年 1911~1974(明治44年~昭和49年)
香月泰男出生於山口縣大津郡三隅村(現長門市三隅),在東京美術學校學習油畫,在擔任美術教員的同時,主要在國畫會發表作品。1967年, “西伯利亞係列 “獲得了第一屆日本藝術大獎,描繪了香月在太平洋戰爭中服役以及戰後被關押在西伯利亞的經曆。那些作品至今也受很多人歡迎。
尺寸 | 162.0×96.8cm |