せいろうびじんろっかせん えちぜんやもろこし 青楼美人六花仙 越前屋唐土
鳥文斎栄之【ちょうぶんさい えいし】
生没年 宝暦6年~文政12年(1756~1829)
寸法 | 36.7×24.1cm |
形状 | 版画 |
版元 | 西村屋与八 |
The Courtesan Morokoshi of the Echizenya House, from the "Six Beauties from the Pleasure Quarter" series
This print is one of the ukiyo-e series where popular courtesans working in the Yoshiwara pleasure quarter are depicted by likening them to various types of flowers. In this piece, the courtesan Morokoshi of the Echizenya House, which was located in the first block of Edo Street in Yoshiwara, is portrayed using the metaphor of a lily.
It seems that she is thinking about what kind of poem she should create, in front of a strip of paper (as was used for writing Japanese poems), resting her cheek on the hand. An air of relaxation is conveyed, because she is dressed in gossamer black loungewear. This piece was created using the gomazuri technique, which can produce a coarse texture on the print. Here, this technique was used quite successfully in this print to reproduce the coarse texture of the gossamer fabric, so that the woman’s red undergarments show through the gossamer.
Chobunsai Eishi (1756 – 1829)
Chobunsai Eishi was a samurai who directly served the 10th shogun Tokugawa Ieharu, as his konando-yaku (or valet that is the position charged with the shogun’s personal care).
He was active as an ukiyo-e artist during the period from the second half of the Tenmei era (1781 – 1789) to the 12th year of the Bunsei era (1829). He was skillful at making bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women) prints, especially full-length portraits. He also made a number of nikuhitsu-ga ukiyo-e paintings.
Size | 36.7×24.1cm |
青樓美人六花仙 越前屋唐土
鳥文齋榮之(Choubunsai Eishi)
生卒年 寶曆6年~文政12年(1756~ 1829)
侍奉第十代將軍徳川家治,成為禦小納戶役的武家。活躍於天明(1781 ~1789年)後期到文政12年(1829年
尺寸 | 36.7×24.1cm |
<기방의 미녀 시인, 에치젠야의 모로코시>
요시와라에서 평판이 좋았던 기녀들을 꽃에 비유하여 그린 시리즈 중 하나입니다. 본 작품의 모델은 요시하라의 에도쵸 일번가에 있었던 에치젠야의 기녀 모로코시로, 백합에 비유하여 그렸습니다.
모로코시가 폭이 좁은 종이를 앞에 두고 손에 턱을 괴고있습니다. 어떤 시가를 지을지 고민하고 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 얇은 천으로 만들어진 검정색의 실내 가운을 입고 있는 것으로 보아 편히 쉬고 있는 모습임을 알 수 있습니다. 거칠거칠한 질감을 내는 「고마스리」라는 기법을 통해 겉에 입은 가운 아래 입고 있는 빨간 속옷이 비치기도 하는 등, 얇게 짠 견직물의 질감을 잘 재현했습니다.
죠분사이 에이시
10대 장군 도쿠가와 이에하루를 보좌하여 장군과 관련된 잡무를 맡는 측근 직책인 ‘코난도’가 된 무사. 덴메이(1781~1789) 후기부터 분세이12년(1829)에 걸쳐 활약했습니다. 전신상 미인화가 특기였으며 육필화 작업도 많이 했습니다.
치수 | 36.7×24.1cm |