つうぞくすいこでんごうけつひゃくはちにんのうち かおしょうろちしんしょめいろたつ 通俗水滸伝豪傑百八人之一人 花和尚魯知深初名魯達
歌川国芳【うたがわ くによし】
生没年 寛政9年~文久元年(1797~1861)
寸法 | 38.6×26.3cm |
形状 | 版画 |
版元 | 加賀屋吉右衛門 |
寄贈者名 | 浦上敏朗 |
Kaosho Rochishin. Originally named Rotatsu, from the "One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Popular Water Margin" series
This series depicts characters from the popular novel “Suikoden”, a Japanese translation of the famous ancient Chinese novel “Heroes of the Marshes”, and it is known as the most important body of work of ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797 – 1861).
Rochishin was a monk of phenomenal strength who was commonly known as the “flower monk” because he had flower-patterned tattoos on his body. This piece draws him breaking a thick pine tree with a zenjo stick. His powerful movement is depicted so dynamically that it is as if you are seeing his stroke in slow motion.
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797 – 1861)
In the 5th year of the Bunka era (1808), Utagawa Kuniyoshi became a pupil of Utagawa Toyokuni I, an ukiyo-e artist famous for his yakusha-e (portraits of kabuki actors). Utagawa Kuniyoshi was active until around the 1st year of the Manen era (1860). After obtaining a good reputation for the series “One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Popular Water Margin”, Kuniyoshi became recognized as the top ukiyo-e artist of musha-e (pictures of warriors) and began to make a number of woodblock prints in various genres. He was also good at caricatures and satirical drawings.
Size | 38.6×26.3cm |
Donor Name | Uragami Toshiro |
通俗水滸傳豪傑一百零八人之一 花和尚魯知深初名魯達
歌川國芳(Utagawa Kuniyoshi)
生卒年 寬政9年~文久元年(1797~1861)
尺寸 | 38.6×26.3cm |
捐贈者 | 浦上敏朗 |
『통속 수호전 호걸 108인 중 한명』 <화화상 노지심, 그의 첫 이름은 노달>
중국에서 들어온 인기 소설 『수호전』의 등장인물을 그린 시리즈로, 쿠니요시의 대표작으로도 잘 알려져 있습니다. 노지심(魯知深)은 몸에 꽃 모양의 문신을 하여, 화화상(꽃 스님)이라는 통칭으로도 불렸던 괴력의 승려입니다. 선장으로 소나무를 부러뜨리는 장면을 그렸습니다. 힘센 움직임이 슬로우 모션으로 보이는 것 같습니다.
우타가와 쿠니요시
분카5년(1808)에 초대 우타가와 토요쿠니의 제자가 된 이후부터 만엔 원년(1860) 경까지 활약했습니다. 본 시리즈에 대한 평판으로 인해 쿠니요시는 무사화의 일인자로서 많은 작품을 작업하게 되었습니다. 또 희화나 풍속화도 특기 중 하나였습니다.
치수 | 38.6×26.3cm |
기증자명 | 우라가미 토시로 |